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MaroTech’s project methodology includes three distinct stages.  Each stage is defined by key activities as follows:

Stage 1 – Requirements Definition  [Learn More]
          •    Analysis
          •    Planning
          •    Design

Stage 2 – Implementation  [Learn More]
          •    Coding
          •    Testing
          •    Delivery

Stage 3 – On-Going Support  [Learn More]
          •    Training
          •    Documentation
          •    Maintenance

Additionally, our methodology accounts for future enhancements, driven by new requirements established during Stage 3.  Visually, it can be depicted with the following model:

Figure 1 - MaroTech Project Methodology

MaroTech Methodology MaroTech Methodology MaroTech Methodology MaroTech Methodology

 Stage 1 – Requirements Definition

During the analysis our team investigates the system requirements in detail and schedules meetings with the client(s) to learn what data is kept, how it is processed, what information is produced, and how that information is used.  This is a key step in understanding the environment and establishing the knowledge base necessary for a successful project.

A timeline is determined and a project plan is prepared.  All key deliverables are identified and assigned a due date, including the necessary buffers for review and revision.  The project plan may include, but is not limited to, the required tasks for the development of reports, customization of delivered or new processes, conversion of inherited data, migration of converted data to the new system and resource allocations.  If available, the schedule is stored on a common drive, viewable by all team members.  Alternatively, it is updated weekly and e-mailed to the entire team and management.

The first step in the design process is to implement the hardware and software environment as required.  A separate environment from the production environment is established for testing by the functional users.  System design documents and specifications are developed based on the requirements agreed to by the technical and functional users.

Based on the specifications and established naming conventions, the technical team creates new tables, screens and data elements.  A database schema is then developed listing the table names, field names within the tables, field size, field type, key fields, what information the field will contain and how it relates to other fields.  Screen shot prototypes are then developed showing how the page/form will look to the user.

Report layouts are created at this point in the process.  For new/existing reports, the technical team creates report layouts to show how the completed report will appear to the user.  It further explains which table the data element is coming from and how the results are being calculated.

For conversion programs, the inherited data is mapped to the new data structures.  The conversion design includes the conversion of all files, databases and data structures to formats used in the new/upgraded system and the creation of any new files and/or databases.

 Stage 2 – Implementation

Each process is developed according to the specifications received by the technical team.  This involves designing and coding programs and subprograms and creating tables and data elements.  Based on the process, the test scenarios are developed by the technical team for unit testing.  Output from each process is checked thoroughly before releasing it to the functional users for testing.

Testing is an important component to ensure that a quality product is delivered to the end users.  The basic components that must be tested are programming modifications requested by the user and modifications made to support the mission critical application.  Both types of changes require testing of the individual modification as well as proper integration and incorporation within the scope of the enterprise wide system.  These changes need to be applied and tested within a test development environment before they are released to the users for functional testing and acceptance.

The user and acceptance testing are performed after the completion of all application enhancements.  It is driven by the business functions of an organization.  These are the continuous set of activities within an organization that ensure that the organization accomplishes its objectives.  The goal is to make sure that the system(s) performs as expected across all business functions and departments.

Test scenarios can then be created by the functional users to ensure the logic and flow of the system follows current systems and/or processes.  The data used is a copy of production data.

During this phase the project team develops and documents disaster recovery and backup plans to support the system in production.  The system is moved to the production environment and access is granted based on the new business processes.  The old system is then phased out.

 Stage 3 – On-Going Support

Depending on the size of the organization, training can be done in person and/or by teleconference meetings.  Traditionally the project leader and a technical developer usually perform training sessions for the users.  This phase along with the creation of a User Manual (described below in the Documentation section) is delivered hand in hand.  Users are provided the user manuals during the training for reference during and after the training sessions.  The training session includes a thorough demonstration of the application and responses to any queries from the users.

User manuals are created defining the system navigation and how to use all the new procedures.  The following system design specifications are also provided:

•    Technical design of all processes designed and developed.

•    Database Schema – table name, field names, field type, field size, field keys, what information the field will contain, how it relates to fields in other tables.

•    Page Layouts – Shows the user how the screen looks.  Specifically, it explains information goes in each field on the page, what functions (Add, Modify, Delete, Search) are to be allowed on the screen, how each field is to be handled (edited, lookups, etc.), security levels associated with the screen, etc.

•    Menu Scheme – Shows what options will appear on each system menu, what submenu or screen each option selects, the order the menus are to appear and any security issues associated with the menus.

•    Program Specifications – Shows what data is used in the program and from where it comes.  Details any calculations, editing or extraneous updating to be performed.  Explains how and at what point in the system this program executes.

•    Report Layouts – Shows how the completed report will appear to the customer and explains where each item of data comes from or how it is calculated.  In addition, it explains how the data is to be sorted and where the heading or subtotal breaks are.

•    Infrastructure diagram – Shows what hardware devices are to be used and which hardware devices are to connect together.  Explains connections that are to be direct connect or network connections and what operating systems will be used on each device, and what protocol, emulation, customer interface or other software is to be available and for what purpose.

Every application-developed system requires maintenance and support.  Corrective measures should be taken, adaptive enhancements, as well as perfective improvements.  Primary and secondary backups must also be provided for scheduled background processes and jobs.

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